Where were you
When my walls came falling down?
You tried to hide
You stood close by
And didn't make a sound!
Find you some paper
And I'll go grab you a pen
You can start taking notes
On how this all started again.
Been dead last but found my way to the front
With my inspirational quotes on why
I never gave up!
Where were you
When my walls came falling down?
You tried to hide
You stood close by
And didn't make a sound!
Where were you
When it all came back around?
The reasons why you passed me by
Will always hold you down.
My heart is filled with hate!
Någon random låttext, eller något..
Hanna kommer imorgon, läntar! <3
When my walls came falling down?
You tried to hide
You stood close by
And didn't make a sound!
Find you some paper
And I'll go grab you a pen
You can start taking notes
On how this all started again.
Been dead last but found my way to the front
With my inspirational quotes on why
I never gave up!
Where were you
When my walls came falling down?
You tried to hide
You stood close by
And didn't make a sound!
Where were you
When it all came back around?
The reasons why you passed me by
Will always hold you down.
My heart is filled with hate!
Någon random låttext, eller något..
Hanna kommer imorgon, läntar! <3
sv; bättre att ha dig här än att få lite skit till kameran! <3
sv: jag älskar den, men du är ju så himla bra på att fota! lär mig tack :-)
åh! tack så mycket. ska testa direkt, eller snart iallafall :D jag ska försöka lära mig så mycket det går, antagligen väljer jag foto A i 3an med även om det är ett tag till ;-)